Next time you drop forty five bucks for a couple of beers, a bowl of chili and a pretzel at The Garden, you might want to forget what you're about to read. Over at ESPN there is a "you get the point" study of arenas and how dirty the food they are selling you is. Would you be surprised to know The Garden is one of the worst offenders?
Here's a taste:
But at Madison Square Garden -- home of the NHL's Rangers, NBA's Knicks and WNBA's Liberty -- 61 percent of vendors were cited with violations. At one stand, inspectors found "53 mouse excreta" (38 on top of a metal box underneath the cash registers in the front food-prep/service area and 15 on top of a carbonated-beverage dispensing unit), according an inspection-report excerpt.So not only are we eating the garbage they put on the ice every game, but we are literally eating garbage food behind the counters. Fun stuff. And to tell you the truth, it probably won't change all my eating habits at The Garden (though, I'll pass on the bowl of chili) and I wouldn't mind a little excreta if the team were better this year -- because we as Rangers fans have been fed crap for about three seasons already --- what's stopping us now? Why would we expect if they weren't putting a superior product on the ice/court that we'd expect a superior product behind the countertops?
Maybe we don't really care, but this study was certainly more interesting to read than another retread on the Ilya negotiations....
(ho hum)
One of the most disgusting posts DARK i've read in a long time. I will not eat them here, I will not eat them anywhere,
It's pretty nasty when you think about it. I think we've all known this was the case, we just ignore it and hope no one actually tells us it's true. So we continue to buy and eat, buy and eat the shitty product. Wow...I'm sounding more and more like a Leaf's fan.