Monday, September 20, 2010

Drury's Broken Finger

Jim Cerney tweeted this morning from camp:

Just learned that #NYR captain Chris Drury broke a finger blocking a shot this morning and will miss 4 weeks of action.

Terrific way to start the season!!?  Ggrrr....let's go Rangers!

1 comment:

  1. Every year the summer seems to be getting longer without our Rangers filling MSG. This summer was especially long. This Thursday we will be having our first ever Ranger Happy Hour before and after all Ranger home games. Since we opened in 1969, i don't think we ever missed our loyal (Ranger) friends as much as we did this year.....
    So GO RAMGERS!!!
    with our now famoue .50 cent wings washed down with our $4.00 beers!! Enjoy.
    Tom D
    Blarney Rock Pun


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